How Your Mindset Affects Your Weight


When I say that your mindset matters when it comes to weight, do you wonder why and how? First, I’ll start by saying that our brains are very, very powerful and they control what goes on in our bodies. Also, our brains hear all our thoughts. And those thoughts, for better or worse, can serve as directions for the brain. 

Thoughts (or mindsets) are just sentences in your brain. They aren’t necessarily true. But when your brain hears a thought, it responds accordingly. This is the reason why the placebo effect is so powerful. People can be given a sugar pill, but if they think it is a revolutionary new treatment for their condition, they will start to get better. Their brain does the healing, not the sugar!

The same thing happens in reverse. We can think we are sick, broken, hopeless, undisciplined, and our brain responds to that thought, which often keeps us in that same spot. If you think “nothing ever works for me,” then nothing will work for you. Because your brain never wants to make you wrong. Fill in the blank for yourself. If you think you are ______, then you will be _______.

The problem many of us run into is that we aren’t aware of these thoughts. And it takes practice to learn how to identify them. And honestly, most of us need someone with an outside perspective to help point these thoughts out at first, until we get more used to catching our own thoughts in the act. 

This is where coaching comes in. I was on a long health journey of my own before I became a health coach. And in all those years, no one talked to me about my mindset, until I had a health coach myself.

I let go of my weight goals and started focusing on my mental health and my mindset. And that is when the needle started moving! That is when I started to see real changes taking place experiencing freedom in my health.

Since our thoughts are so powerful, wouldn’t it be useful if someone could help you identify the ones that aren’t serving you? If your mind is consumed with thoughts about your weight, what to eat/what not to eat, how you look, and your health, then this approach will change your world.

♡ Jana

PS Ready to see if having a health coach is the missing piece to this puzzle for you? I invite you to schedule a totally free, no strings attached Discovery Session so that you can know if this is the path you are meant to be on. Click this link to schedule your free session. I can’t wait to chat with you!


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