Good and Bad Foods

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Are your thoughts consumed by food? What to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, “should I have a snack?”, “if I eat this, will it put me over my calorie limit?”, etc…

Do you feel stuck in a constant cycle of “being good” during the week, then eating “bad foods” on the weekend (or in the evenings) and just going overboard?

Do you find yourself trying to “sneak” food behind your own back? Like you just eat it so fast that you don’t even really enjoy it to try and trick yourself?

And then after all of that, you restrict again to make up for all the stuff you ate. Sometimes it even feels like you are punishing yourself.

This constant restriction and binge cycle comes from the labels we put on food. Judging foods as “good” or “bad” naturally makes us want the “bad” things more and the “good” things less. It’s human nature. What happens when you tell someone they can’t do something? Automatically, they want to do it MORE! 

One of the first steps to healing your relationship with food starts by removing the good/bad labels. When all foods are neutral, then the choices you make about what to eat will be less emotionally charged. 

Then you can approach making decisions about food with a more curious, less judgmental mind. And that, my friend, is very freeing if you’ve been stuck in diet mentality for a long time! 

♡ Jana

PS I had that mind drama for years, so I know how consuming it is. It’s taken me 10 years to get to the point where I am now, and I want to help you get there faster than I did! If you are ready to do some of the deeper work, with a ton of support, so that you can focus your energy on the things you are passionate about (rather than on food!) click this link to schedule a completely free Discovery Session with me.


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